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Saint Mary's National School, Dublin

News - Green Schools

12th Jun 2024
We had lots of fun in Junior Infants today on our scooter obstacle course to celebrate...
24th May 2024
We’ve been learning all about biodiversity this week and finding various mini...
15th May 2024
WOW!  Never have we seen so many bikes in St. Mary's.  Every available...
15th May 2024
We hope the children had a great day today on National COW Day 2024 (COW = Cycle...
15th May 2024
4th class, along with the rest of the school, highlighted their artistic talents...
23rd Oct 2023
We really enjoyed participating in Walk to School week. A highlight for us was wearing...
6th Oct 2023
This week was Walk to School Week and children made an effort each day to walk, scoot...
4th Oct 2023
To celebrate walk to school week, the children wore crazy socks for WOW (walk on...
3rd Oct 2023
As it is Walk to School Week, we are asking children, where possible, to make a big...